Yellowspotted trevally or Carangoïdes fulvoguttatus - Rod Fishing Club - Rodrigues Island - Mauritius - Indian Ocean
Yellowknife trevally or Carangoides fulvoguttatus
20 August 2016
Skipjack tuna or Katsuwonus pelamis - Rod Fishing Club - Rodrigues Island - Mauritius - Indian Ocean
Skipjack tuna or Katsuwonus pelamis
20 August 2016
Spangled emperor or Lethrinus nebulosus - Rod Fishing Club - Rodrigues Island - Mauritius - Indian Ocean

Spangled emperor or Lethrinus nebulosus - Rod Fishing Club - Rodrigues Island - Mauritius - Indian Ocean

Spangled emperor or Lethrinus nebulosus is a specie of fish that you can catch on palangrotte or bottom fishing. If you ever catch one of those, ask the crew to eat for its filet… It’s yumiiii !

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