Alberto, David, Plamen, Albalate & Daniel.(Spain)
These jigging fanatics came from Spain to fight the big doggies. A tropical disturbance, almost stationary, forces us to leave the day of their arrival, on December the 4th at 6.00 PM and its new intensification shortened the trip to end around Rodrigues and return at 10.30 PM on December 6th. The only day spent on the Hawkins Bank enabled us to catch some beautiful pieces of fish but the big expected ones all unhooked or broke. Even the two marlins that bit did not let them to be caught.
We had to wait until the 9th at 8.00 PM to leave to the Eastern Bank and come back just a few hours before taking off. It is the first time that a jiggers’ team catches more than 200 pieces ( yellowfin tunas, wahoos, doggies, groupers, trevallies etc..), aboard or released, in such a short time, that is to say 63h. There were no more big fish this time on the Eastern Bank. “Next year, do not change anything: Come back with your golf rods!”
Doggy caught on jigging – Rod Fishing Club – Rodrigues Island – Mauritius – Indian Ocean