Claudius, Jacques, Marc (France) & Serge MARIZY Zone Australe Reunion Island
Serge had already shot a film aboard the Black Marlin in 2006 within delicate shooting conditions… Once again, we solicited him for “actualizing our films and pictures”. The sea is quiet and there is no wind for this 65h trip on the Hawkins Bank, which maybe not be the best as for multifishing but good for Serge. If magic could work a little longer. There still are a lot of yellowfin tunas (23kg for the biggest), nice wahoos (of 28kg), dorados on trolling and trevallies (22kg for the biggest), seriolas (of 13kg), jobfish, dogtooth tunas on baiting or jigging. Beautiful strikes were shot with the submarine camera. We are looking forward to watching the films Serge! On the way back, it was a festive atmosphere celebrating our nation-wide known Marc’s birthday.
28kg wahoo on trolling by Marc – Rod Fishing Club – Rodrigues Island – Mauritius – Indian Ocean